Computer Error – I Lost Everything

Computer Error – I Lost Everything

I have not accessed my website in quite some time. With school and the other things in life, I just have not had time to sit down and do a weekly or even monthly posting.

Just this past week though, I attempted to access my website and all I came up with was a plain white screen. I refreshed and Firefox pretty much laughed at me. So I made attempts on Internet Explorer, Safari, and even my web browser on my Android Phone. All browsers gave me the same plain white screen results.

When the husband was home over the weekend, we sat down to figure out what went wrong. We were able to see where the website was, but for some reason we were not able to access it from even the hosting site. The husband told me, “If you want the site back up and running, I will have to download the newest version of WordPress, but this does mean that everything from the original will be lost forever.” My heart sunk with the thought of losing everything that I had posted since June of 2011, but I did need the website back up and running due to having to complete a macro project for one of my classes in my MSW program. Before he downloaded the new version, he did attempt to see if there were any backups of the old site…and we struck out again. He never had set up my site to backup. {oops!} We now have changed that problem and this site will be backed up automatically once a month. I am also thinking that maybe my website got hacked, since I accidentally put a virus on my computer last fall when I was looking for a short cut when creating a family ecogram for a micro theories class.

So this is the new site, and it looks quite bleak. From time to time, I will go over to my old blog account on and pull the interesting posts from there and place them over here, just to try and beef up the postings here. I though for awhile will be using the blog posting area to work on the class project which will be centered around the LGBTQ Community.

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